Special Audis, by private people: Origin unknown

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V8 wagon Bobtail Type85 Pickup Unknown

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Three-axle transporter on Type44 base. probably only frontwheel drive. I assume that it transpüorts racecars for a raceing school in Sweden. watch the widened B-pillar, the rear-view mirrors and the black side guard behind the door.
The picture is taken from NordicAudi.com.


Dragster with Type44 body. What is underneath? Hard to say, but one thing is sure: Rearwheel drive ;) The body seems to be the stock metal one. The car starts/started(?) in the "Competition Altered" class with driver Kenth Svensson from Växjö, Sweden. Eurodrag.com lists for the Type44 that is run under the name "Andersson´s Mek" a personal best of 9,08 seconds for the quartermile with a topspeed of 243km/h (151mph) in the year 1998. At the "Sko Uno Drag Festival" race in Mantorp, Sweden (where the photo was taken), he reached 9.316sec, 234,2km/h (145.5mph) in round two which was the end for him on that day. At the Mantorp qualifying in 2000 he even reached 9,084sec | 240,0km/h (149.1mph) at 0,014 "under", whatever that means. I think that has soemthing to do with a handicap system of that class. After 2000 I could not find any info of races where Kenth Svensson started.
Photograph by Nilsson, Photo (as all info) taken from Eurodrag.com.

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V8 wagon Bobtail Type85 Pickup Unknown

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